Everyday Superhero: Jean, Senior Mobility Coordinator

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To celebrate Customer Service Week, which takes place from October 5 – 9, we will be profiling our frontline workers on the Peninsula Moves! Blog.

 Jean Conger

While riding on SamTrans and Caltrain may be a natural, easy fit for some, public transportation can be a challenge for others—particularly seniors and persons with disabilities. That’s why Jean Conger, Senior Mobility Project Coordinator, makes sure that all customers are comfortable and knowledgeable about using the Peninsula’s public transportation options.

Conger helps organize transit ambassadors to train senior citizens, persons with disabilities, military veterans and other customers who need assistance using the system. Conger said it’s essential for those passengers to be mobile and independent. “Next to Social Security and Medicare, public transit is one of the most important benefits our society offers for older adults and people who need assistance,” said Conger. “Most people want to maintain their mobility independence—they do not want to depend on family members or friends to get to where they want to go. Our rallying cry here is “MOBILITY = INDEPENDENCE!”

Through her work with the transit ambassadors, Conger has been able to witness several heartwarming moments. “One of our ambassadors helped a widow who wanted to visit her husband’s grave in Concord,” said Conger. “She had no family members in the area who would take her there as often as she wanted to go. 

The Ambassador taught her how to plan the trip, and accompanied her there and back.” Conger said she’s proud of how the Transit District treats its customers. “It is important for me to be able to know with absolute confidence that the customer will be treated kindly, with respect, and that the safety of our vehicles is unsurpassed in my experience,” said Conger.
