With more frequent service, improved schedules, and direct connections to Caltrain, BART, and Salesforce Transit Center in San Francisco, getting to school, work or fun has never been easier—or more affordable!
Free Passes for Community Colleges
You may be eligible for a free unlimited bus pass – SamTrans and the San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD) are providing 5,000 passes to eligible students.
Apply online to get your pass while supplies last!
Contact your SparkPoint Center if you have questions:
College of San Mateo: csmsparkpoint@smccd.edu
Skyline College: skylinesparkpoint@smccd.edu
Cañada College: cansparkpoint@smccd.edu
Clipper adult fare, $2.05, adult fare cash, $2.25
Have a SamTrans representative attend a school or campus outreach event! Please contact customerservicesupport@samtrans.com or the Customer Service Center at 1-800-660-4287 or (TTY only) 650-508-6448.
These changes are brought to you by Reimagine SamTrans.