SamTrans is committed to supporting sustainability in the San Francisco Bay Area. SamTrans promotes sustainability by providing affordable, accessible, environmentally beneficial mobility options to help people get to where they live, work and play. Its Sustainability Program monitors the agency’s operational impacts on communities and the environment, and finds ways to lessen those impacts. SamTrans also encourages environmental stewardship by its employees, customers and partners.
Sustainability Benefits of Riding Public Transit
SamTrans riders promote sustainability in many ways that benefit the community. By:
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change impacts: use this Carbon Savings Calculator to estimate how transit can reduce your carbon footprint.
- Decreasing fossil fuel consumption
- Saving money- riding SamTrans provides significant savings over Bay Area driving costs
- Mitigating traffic congestion
- Improving regional air quality
Sustainability Program Framework
Sustainability is a key component of SamTrans’ vision and Strategic Plan. The San Mateo County Transit District’s Sustainability Policy summarizes SamTrans’ commitment to integrating sustainability into standard operating procedures and long-term decision-making.
SamTrans is a strong supporter of the American Public Transportation Association’s Sustainability Program and participates in the annual Sustainability & Public Transportation Workshop as well as APTA’s Sustainability committees. In 2010, the District became a founding signatory to the APTA Sustainability Commitment. SamTrans holds the Silver Level APTA Sustainability Commitment certification.
Sustainability Reports
2023 SamTrans Sustainability Report
In 2023, SamTrans published its biennial sustainability report, including data from FY2021 and FY2022. Key achievements during the reporting years include:
- Brought Criteria Air Pollution generation down 72%
- GHG emissions per vehicle mile (VM) decreased 15%
- Reduced facility electricity usage by ~9%
- Decreased fleet energy usage by over 7% from 2020
Read the 2023 Sustainability Report. (7.82 MB, PDF)
2021 SamTrans Sustainability Report
In 2021, SamTrans published its biennial sustainability report, including data from FY2019 and FY2020. Key achievements during the reporting years include:
- Reduced generated GHG emissions by 9%
- Brought Criteria Air Pollution generation down 15%
- Decreased facility electricity usage by 11%
- Decreased natural gas usage by ~39%
Read the 2021 Sustainability Report. (8.56 MB, PDF)
2019 Sustainability Report
In 2020, SamTrans published its second sustainability report, including data from FY2017 and FY2018. Key achievements during the reporting years include:
- GHG emissions reduced by over 9% in the last two years
- Reduced facility electricity usage by ~5%
- Decreased diesel usage 6%
- Brought Criteria Air Pollution generation down 14%
Read the Executive Summary. (467 KB, PDF)
Read the 2019 Sustainability Report. (6.3 MB, PDF)
2017 Sustainability Report
In 2017, SamTrans published its first Sustainability Report, which summarizes key environmental sustainability achievements and trends for SamTrans operations in FY2010 through FY2016. Key achievements include:
- Facility energy use declined by more than 26%
- In response to California’s historic drought, SamTrans implemented a number of water-saving conservation measures, and decreased water consumption by more than 33%
- In FY2016, SamTrans generated 4,754 fewer metric tons of GHGs compared to FY2010
Read the 2017 Sustainability Report. (9.6 MB, PDF)
Energy Procurement Strategy Study
SamTrans prepared an analysis of its options for procuring electricity to supply its future electrified demand.
Read the Executive Summary. (1.04 MB, PDF)
Read the Energy Procurement Strategy Report. (3.8 MB, PDF)
Adaptation and Resilience Plan
In 2021, SamTrans prepared an Adaptation and Resilience Report assessing the vulnerability of SamTrans’ facilities, fleet, and riders to climate impacts.
Read the Executive Summary. (682 KB, PDF)
Read the Adaptation and Resilience Plan Report. (18 MB, PDF)
Board Presentations
May 2019 – Study Introduction SamTrans Adaptation and Resilience Plan (448 KB, PDF)
December 2018- SamTrans Community Choice Energy Program Update 15 MB, PDF)
February 2017 - Update on Community Choice Energy and SamTrans Electricity Service (234 KB, PDF)
June 2016 - Community Choice Energy and SamTrans Electricity Service (288 KB, PDF)
September 2015 - SamTrans Water Consumption and Conservation (818 KB, PDF)
July 2014 - Sustainability Program Update (488 KB, PDF)
April 2011 - Sustainability Program Overview (241 KB, PDF)
January 2011 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory (241 KB, PDF)