A short stretch of El Camino Real (ECR) in South San Francisco is temporarily being transformed into a complete-streets demonstration to see how a few new design elements could help transit riders, pedestrians and bicyclists navigate the busy roadway more safely.
The National Complete Streets Coalition chose California and three other states to participate in its Leadership Academy program, which provides free technical assistance to those planning the projects. In addition to South San Francisco, the cities of Berkeley and San Leandro also planned and implemented similar demonstration projects on state-owned roads.
In South City, the quick-build design will extend along ECR between Hazelwood Drive/South Spruce Avenue and Country Club Drive from a 10-week period from mid-August through mid-October. During this period, look for:
Class IV protected bike lanes in both north and south directions.
An easy-to-see crosswalk at Country Club Drive.
SamTrans bus boarding platforms at ECR and Spruce Avenue (Stop ID: 334089) and ECR and Country Club Drive (Stop ID: 334080).
The project is intended to help identify designs that protect bicyclists along ECR, make bus travel faster and more reliable, and enhance the visibility of pedestrians.
Members of the project team will reach out to transit customers, cyclists, and pedestrians who had an opportunity to engage with the temporary design elements to get their reactions and suggestions. The San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA), SamTrans, city of South San Francisco, San Mateo County Office of Education, and Silicon Valley Bike Coalition are all part of the project, which has the support of Caltrans.