A Bus Might be Just What Your Bike Month Needs

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Cyclists are hitting the streets and trails along the Peninsula in growing numbers as Bike Month and Bike to Wherever Days roll out. Now is a good time to boost your pedal power by combining your ride with a trip on a SamTrans bus, Caltrain, or other connecting public transit option like BART, VTA, or SF Muni.

Bikes and buses are a great transportation combo — especially if any of these common situations are true for you:

  • It’s a long commute.
  • The route has a stretch with challenging hills or dangerous roads.
  • The nearest bus stop is a bit far.

With that in mind, bike-friendly SamTrans is here for you! All of our buses come equipped with a front rack that can carry up to three bikes. Also, two additional bikes can fit inside the bus when passenger loads allow.

Our SamTrans bus operators (Drive with Us!) are also bike-friendly, some of whom bike to work themselves!

Bus Operator Greg Stewart says his short bike commute makes him feel really good and “helps keep the weight off.”

But in addition to the health benefits, Stewart also says being a cyclist makes him a better SamTrans driver.

“It has made me much more aware of cyclists on the roads, for sure.”


Colleague Carl Cruz will celebrate 28 years as a SamTrans operator later this year and also commutes by bike. He uses an e-bike for his 4-to-5 mile ride. He likes seeing fellow cyclists use the bus to enhance their commute and wants to make sure it’s a positive experience for everyone.

“When you’re approaching your bus stop, let the driver know
‘Hey, I’m going to be getting my bike,’” Cruz says.

Too often a bus pulls away with the bike still in the rack because the passenger exited through the back door without alerting the operator.

In addition to this suggestion from Cruz, SamTrans has these tips for cyclists regarding best practices to make your ride as smooth and pleasant as possible.

Now that you’re all set to get where you are going — on both bike and bus — let’s celebrate! This Bike Month, SamTrans is partnering with the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC). Special events scheduled include Bike Bash celebrations in downtown San Mateo at Cognition Cyclery and Palo Alto at The Hub at Stanford Research Park. Both are on Thursday, May 18, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 

The San Mateo event is within a few pedal strokes of several SamTrans bus lines, including the ECR.
The Palo Alto event is a short bike ride from
Caltrain’s California Avenue Station.

Be sure to also swing by a volunteer-staffed Energizer Station for some hydration and a swag bag in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties on May 18, 19 and 20.

Check with SVBC for station locations, dates and times (and keep an eye on our social media as we livestream our BTWD 2023).

Aside from enjoying your trip as much as the destination, remember that your choice to cycle and use transit helps to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.

On behalf of all of us at SamTrans, thank you for being part of the solution!