By Olivia D., Youth Ambassador representing Central San Mateo County again from the Youth Ambassadors! We have been busily working towards our goals since we last updated. For this blog post, we will be focusing on the progress we have made on our Instagram account. As of writing this post, the account has a total of 67 followers and has been consistently gaining between 20-30 likes per post. This is a humble start but as we continue to attend community events, work on campaigns and build up our content, the numbers will hopefully rise.
Our account has everything from short poems to a special teaser of our upcoming how to ride video directed and filmed by one of our Youth Ambassadors. The previously mentioned video stars Scarthorax, who has come to SamTrans on his mission to find the cleanest bus. Of course, he has found that cleanest bus in SamTrans.
We hope that you will all make your way over to Instagram and follow our account @samtransyouth.