SamTrans Honors 2018 Employees of the Year

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By Alex Eisenhart  |  @AlexOnTransit

The SamTrans Board of Directors recently celebrated an annual tradition for the agency by acknowledging its 2018 Employees of the Year. Candidates are chosen from 2018’s roster of Employees of the Month and selected by SamTrans management.

SamTrans Lead Mechanic Rudy Chavez (right) accepting his 2018 Employee of the Year Award with Board Chair Carole Groom (center) and Transit District CEO Jim Hartnett (left)

This year’s award recipients are Bus Maintenance Lead Mechanic Rudy Chavez, and Bus Operator Steven Chang.  Rudy first joined SamTrans as a mechanic in 1984. Over the 35 years he’s worked for the agency, Rudy has proven himself as an experienced, skilled mechanic and a leader respected by his peers, supervisors and management team. “We are grateful for Rudy’s years of experience and his sincere commitment to his responsibilities, which plays a big role in the day-to-day success of the maintenance team,” said SamTrans Manager of Bus Maintenance Vijendra Singh. “We are all very delighted to see him honored with this well-deserved award.” Steven has worked as a bus operator for the agency since 1999. He started out part-time, but shortly before the birth of his son, Steven was approved for full-time employment. The dispatcher who presented Steven with the approval letter told him, “Here. This is just in time, so maybe you should name your child Justin!” And he did. Justin will receive his high school diploma this spring.

SamTrans Bus Operator Steven Chang (right) accepting his 2018 Employee of the Year Award with SamTrans Board Chair Carole Groom and Transit District CEO Jim Hartnett (left)

This is not Steven’s first employee award. After earning an Operator of the Month Award three times, a Perfect Attendance Award and several safety awards, his ultimate goal remained SamTrans’ Bus Operator of the Year Award. He is passionate about providing excellent service, treating every passenger with kindness and grace. “The best feeling in the world is the gratitude shown back to me when I go above and beyond to make sure the passengers are safe and comfortable,” he said. “A ‘thank you’ goes a long way.” Congratulations to Rudy and Steven and all the amazing employees who make SamTrans a safe, quality transportation service and a great place to work.  
