#SamTrans Social News: December 11, 2015

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SamTrans Tweets of the Week Don't put words in our mouths. But yeah, that's basically how it's done at the highest levels.

SamTrans to other transit agencies: *this* is how you decorate for the holidays: https://t.co/l4KOz5dANp

— Muni Diaries (@munidiaries) December 7, 2015

Keeping this fleet running.

$37M sought for new SamTrans equipment: Federal funds could replace 115 diesel buses, electric vehicles still https://t.co/Y1NJkBafxs

— SM Daily Journal (@smdailyjournal) December 9, 2015

SamTrans Instagram of the Week This week's #SamTransIG comes from @transitmonkee. Thanks for the shot! Most popular Facebook post of the Week Compiled by Jeremy Lipps, @Digital_Lipps