Welcome to our Customer Surveys page! We conduct a variety of surveys to gather valuable feedback and insights from our riders, helping us better understand rider experiences and improve our services. If you have any questions or research related requests, please feel free to reach out to our Market Research Team at MarketResearch@SamTrans.com.
SamTrans Triennial Customer Survey
Every three years, SamTrans conductsan extensive onboard questionnaire to understand who their customers are and why they ride. It also provides valuable information regarding areas that customers think should be improved.
2021 SamTrans Triennial Customer Survey Report (PDF)
2021 SamTrans Triennial Customer Survey Tables (Excel)
SamTrans Customer Satisfaction Survey
The purpose of this survey is to assess how well SamTrans is meeting the needs of its riders. The results show customer ratings onboard buses, at transit centers and bus stops.
2019 SamTrans Customer Satisfaction Survey Report (PDF)
2019 SamTrans Customer Satisfaction Survey Tables (PDF)
2019 SamTrans Customer Satisfaction Survey Verbatims (PDF)
SamTrans Paratransit Triennial Customer Survey
Every three years, SamTrans conducts an extensive phone interview survey to better understand ridership characteristics of paratransit customers, such as demographic and trip purpose, and assess key passenger satisfaction components, among other measures.
2023 SamTrans Paratransit Customer Survey Report (PDF)
2023 SamTrans Paratransit Customer Survey Crosstabs (Excel)
2023 SamTrans Paratransit Customer Survey Raw Data (Excel)
Metropolitan Transportation Commission: SamTrans Origin & Destination
As part of a regional effort. MTC is surveying Bay Area transit passengers to help with regional service planning, fulfillTitle VI equity requirements, gather customer service feedback, collect travel models among other data. This information will help to support regional, as well as local, planning initiatives.
2019+2022 SamTrans Origin & Destination Survey (PDF)