SamTrans Welcomes New Directors, Elects Officers for 2017


SamTrans’ Board of Directors swore in two new members and elected its officers for 2017 at the agency’s meeting on January 4.

Rose Guilbault was elected by her colleagues to serve as board chair and Charles Stone was elected as vice-chair.

At the meeting on Wednesday, Guilbault said that SamTrans was a “critical juncture” and facing unprecedented challenges, due to technological advancements, transit habit changes and new transportation models. However, Guilbault said she’s looking forward to SamTrans evolving to meet those challenges.

“This is our opportunity to rethink and reinvent SamTrans “said Guilbault, who was also reappointed to her role as Public Member representative at the Board meeting on January 4. “For 40 years, we’ve had the same business model, and while we want to honor what we’ve done, we now need to think about it means to be a modern transportation company that reflects that ways our community is changing.”

Josh Powell and Dave Pine are the newest members to the SamTrans board.

Powell, a Belmont resident, was appointed as a Public Member representative. He is a member of the City/County Association of Governments’ Congestion Management and Environmental Quality committee, and president of the Belmont Central Neighborhood Association.

Pine was appointed to represent the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors on the SamTrans board. Prior to joining the county Board of Supervisors in 2011, Pine was a school board member for the Burlingame School District from 2003 to 2007, and the San Mateo Union High School District from 2007 to 2011.

The board sets policy for the Transit District, which is responsible for county-wide SamTrans’ bus and paratransit service. The Transit District also operates a network of shuttles that connect rail lines to major employment sites, is involved in the Grand Boulevard Initiative, and engages in transit-oriented development plans.

The District board consists of nine members: three members who are appointed by the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, two of whom are members of the Board of Supervisors and one who possesses expertise in the field of transportation; three members appointed by the Cities Selection Committee, who are council members representing the northern, central and southern portions of the county; and three public members, one of whom must be a coastside resident. Board members are all appointed to serve four-year terms.


About SamTrans: SamTrans operates 79 routes throughout San Mateo County.  Funded in part by a half-cent sales tax, the San Mateo County Transit District also provides administrative support for Caltrain and the San Mateo County Transportation Authority. SamTrans has provided bus service to San Mateo County customers since 1976. 

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