SamTrans Seeks Volunteers For Citizens Advisory Committee

Public members interested in providing input on local transit programs are encouraged to volunteer for the SamTrans Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC).

The 15-member CAC meets monthly and is responsible for offering feedback on the needs of transit users and informing San Mateo County residents of transit programs on the Peninsula. It also acts in an advisory capacity to the SamTrans’ Board of Directors.

The SamTrans CAC has the following openings: 

  • One community representatives

  • Two multimodal representatives

  • Three bus riders

    Each CAC member receives a free yearly bus pass to use on the SamTrans system. The CAC meets on the last Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the San Mateo County Transit District headquarters at 1250 San Carlos Avenue in San Carlos.

    Interested persons can download the CAC application here or call 650-508-6279 (TTY 650-508-6448). Applications are due by Friday, March 3. For more information, visit

    SamTrans vision is to be a mobility leader, providing transportation choices and sustainable future that meets the needs of our diverse communities.




    About SamTrans: SamTrans operates 79 routes throughout San Mateo County.  Funded in part by a half-cent sales tax, the San Mateo County Transit District also provides administrative support for Caltrain and the San Mateo County Transportation Authority. SamTrans has provided bus service to San Mateo County customers since 1976. 

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